export to excel
Once you are done with entire reconciliation process, you may need to save individual “Reconciliation Reports” in excel for any purpose.
A) Steps for exporting output to excel:
You can export your generated output by selecting Reconciliation Sutra> Export To Excel.
Once you click “Export To Excel”, a new folder will be created in your Google drive named as “Reconcile_Creation Date_Creation Time”. Below is the resulting screenshot of google drive after Export to excel is clicked:
Caution: Please do not delete or rename this folder until all the files are created inside this default folder.
Please note Reconciliation Sutra considers “Summary Report” as the base for saving excel files in the google drive folder. It will consider only those files which has hyperlinks inserted in the “Link” column in “Summary Report”. Hence please do not delete/rename Summary report and hyperlink under “Link” column, else files may not be exported to google drive as expected.
In our example file “24XXXXX2524X1ZX” is saved in google drive since it had link updated in summary report
This way Reconciliation Sutra helps you create individual excel files of generated “RECONCILIATION REPORTS” on a single click.
Note: Though we term this functionality as “Export to excel” , our tool will by default save file in Google sheet format. Once you download it on your computer (individual file or entire folder), it will be saved in excel.
B) What happens after “Export to Excel”:
Once all the files are saved in google drive folder, a hyperlink to google drive will also be inserted in “Summary Report”. You can directly navigate to respective folder by clicking here.
Info: Since files exported will be in excel, there will be some changes in the formatting of the same.
Tip: If you want to save entire file into single excel sheet, you can simply use Google sheet’s inbuilt feature of downloading file in excel. To do so Click File>Download>Microsoft Excel